1. Standing project committees of the RPA will at least include the following:
A. Newsletter Committee: to coordinate the publication of the RPA newsletter;
B. Review Editor(s): to coordinate publication of the Radical Philosophy Review (subject to by-law 2, below);
C. Proceedings Editor(s): to coordinate publication of the proceedings series (subject to by-law 2, below);
D. Internet Committee: to develop and maintain an RPA presence on the "web" and through other electronic media channels;
E. Outreach Committee: to coordinate efforts to increase membership in the association and subscriptions to the association's publications.
2. As soon as possible, editors appointed for 1B and 1C above should establish procedures for appointing editorial and/or advisory boards for their respective publications if they have not already done so. Provisions should be made for rotation of the editors of these publications and their associated boards which will be self-sustaining, subject to review by the RPA advisory committee, and subject to a vote by the association membership as a whole. Elections of editors and editorial board members for 1B and 1C shall take place at the national business meeting.
3. In the absence of the formation of a project committee around one of these projects (or in the absence of a critical mass of members available to work on some future project deemed of interest to the association), the advisory committee may delegate an individual to take responsibility for the tasks of that project committee (e.g. appointing a single newsletter editor in the event that a committee does not form around producing the newsletter). An individual selected for such a job will be reviewed every four years.
4. Additional project committees may be formed through an appeal to the advisory committee and according to the procedure outlined in article IIIJ. At the time of ratification of this constitution, existing project committees shall be automatically reaffirmed as RPA project committees. The secretary shall keep a list of all current project committees and their membership.
5. Annual dues shall be set by the advisory committee in U.S. dollars and reviewed for amendment on a yearly basis.
A. Newsletter Committee: to coordinate the publication of the RPA newsletter;
B. Review Editor(s): to coordinate publication of the Radical Philosophy Review (subject to by-law 2, below);
C. Proceedings Editor(s): to coordinate publication of the proceedings series (subject to by-law 2, below);
D. Internet Committee: to develop and maintain an RPA presence on the "web" and through other electronic media channels;
E. Outreach Committee: to coordinate efforts to increase membership in the association and subscriptions to the association's publications.
2. As soon as possible, editors appointed for 1B and 1C above should establish procedures for appointing editorial and/or advisory boards for their respective publications if they have not already done so. Provisions should be made for rotation of the editors of these publications and their associated boards which will be self-sustaining, subject to review by the RPA advisory committee, and subject to a vote by the association membership as a whole. Elections of editors and editorial board members for 1B and 1C shall take place at the national business meeting.
3. In the absence of the formation of a project committee around one of these projects (or in the absence of a critical mass of members available to work on some future project deemed of interest to the association), the advisory committee may delegate an individual to take responsibility for the tasks of that project committee (e.g. appointing a single newsletter editor in the event that a committee does not form around producing the newsletter). An individual selected for such a job will be reviewed every four years.
4. Additional project committees may be formed through an appeal to the advisory committee and according to the procedure outlined in article IIIJ. At the time of ratification of this constitution, existing project committees shall be automatically reaffirmed as RPA project committees. The secretary shall keep a list of all current project committees and their membership.
5. Annual dues shall be set by the advisory committee in U.S. dollars and reviewed for amendment on a yearly basis.