Founded in 1982, RPA members struggle against capitalism, racism, sexism, homophobia, disability, discrimination, environmental ruin, and all other forms of domination.
We also oppose substituting new forms of authoritarianism for the ones we are now fighting. Our efforts are guided by the vision of a society founded on cooperation instead of competition, in which all areas of society are, as far as possible, governed by democratic decision-making. We believe that fundamental change requires broad social upheavals but also opposition to intellectual support for exploitative and dehumanizing social structures. Our members are from many nations and continue a variety of radical traditions including (but not limited to) feminism, phenomenology, Marxism, anarchism, post-structuralism, post-colonial theory and environmentalism. Our efforts center on conferences and publications. We consider the enterprise of radical philosophy inherently interdisciplinary and welcome person not trained in philosophy. |